Top 10 Science-Fiction Films | أفضل 10 أفلام خيال علمي

1. Blade Runner (The Final Cut) (1982)

Blade Runner The Final Cut Movie Poster


2. Alien (1979)

Alien Movie Poster


3. Aliens (1986)

Aliens Movie Poster


4. Matrix, The (1999)

The Matrix Movie Poster


5. Back to the Future (1984)

Back to the Future Movie Poster


6. Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991)

Terminator 2 Judgement Day Movie Poster


7. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

2001 A Space Odyssey Movie Poster


8. Star Wars V: Empire Strikes Back, The (1980)

Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Movie Poster


9. Metropolis (1927)

Metropolis Movie Poster


10. Akira (1984)

Akira Movie Poster

2 comments on “Top 10 Science-Fiction Films | أفضل 10 أفلام خيال علمي

  1. Perfect List, personally I could’ve added Planet of the Apes or Jurassic Park instead of Akira. Not that I don’t like Akira, I do love it but I would keep it for an animation list! How about a genre-specific sci-fi top lists e.g “Dystopian societies” with movies like Clockwork Orange, Brazil, Mad Max etc.

    • i really thought about Jurassic Park but really adore Akira. 😀 Thank you for the sub-genre idea! it is something i will definitely do in the future! appreciate your support Maged! :))))

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